
Happenings in and around the lab

Going back to San Francisco is always great, and you quickly realize how out of shape you are when you start walking all over the city. This particular visit was to present on a research project that just came out in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B on predicting effective interactions between ions. Thanks go out to Ray Luo (UC Irvine) and Emil Alexov (Clemson) for the invite to present. This was a doubly good experience in that my partner in crime on this particular project, Miha, stopped in San Francisco to attend this particular meeting on his tour away from Slovenia.

It was great to see former colleagues doing well! Vincent Volez (Temple) is doing some fun work with cyclic peptides and suprisal metrics, and it was neat seeing John Chodera's smart-phone controlled lab robot assembly line running. The future of chemistry and biophysics is in good hands with these guys opening new possibilities.

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